watchman Prayer ministry

Updated May 14, 2024

Pray for the lost (5/1/2024)

David, Bryan, Steven, Shela, Henreitta, Lindsey, Lewis, Maddie, Chris, Leah, Brady, Howard, Kim, Casey, Cody, Carl, Patti, Mattie, Raymond, Kristine, Delores, Sam, Derrick, Megan, Tammy, Craig, Phyllis, Eddy, Ricky, Butch, Edgar, Colvie, Patsy, Gerald, Joshua, Cory, Rick, David, Andrew, Julia, Diane, Joe, Chance, Debbie, Katelin, Randy, Heather, Jim, Carolyn, Courtney, James, Zach, Susan, David, Melba, Stephanie, James, Melody, Alex, Dane, Donald, Isaac, Donald Junior, Cathy, June, Becky and husband, Michael, Ashley, Susan, Pete, Jean, Mike, Stewart, Mary, Natasha, Steven, Bill, Keith, Howard, Alex, Kevin, Brian, Chad, Cody & Tina, Gene, Hale, Chad, Robert, Jonas and girlfriend, Jason and his family, Dwight, Linda, Jerry & Loraine, Jason & Family, Austin, Danny, Ryan, Hindu couple & child, Matt & Family, Matthew

Prayer requests (5/14/2024)

- Chad Edwards (has enlarged lymph node, MD Anderson team determining options, will decide treatment plan soon) 5/14/2024

- Seth Brickey (suffered spontaneous collapsed lung, had surgery to place chest tube, admitted to WRMC) 5/14/2024

- Family of Steve & Sharon Bryant (the couple passed away in a private plane crash outside Marianna last night) 5/13/2024

- Rosemary Catton (fell and fractured several ribs, transferring to Woodlawn for rehab) 5/13/2024

- Jessy McDonald (blood sugar is high, difficult to control) 5/13/2024

- Tom Sharp (good report from cancer doc, swallowing is an issue, seeing UAMS neurologist next Tuesday) 5/9/2024

- Mat Sharp (seeing pulmonologist in Little Rock next Wednesday, heart cath at UAMS next Thursday) 5/9/2024

- Branstetter granddaughter, Reisa (responding to questions, recovering from mitral valve repair surgery) 5/8/2024

- Ralph Branstetter's son, David (completed chemo & radiation treatments this week, rehab ongoing) 5/4/2024

- Kenny Gerhardt's dad (stable, remains in ICU at Athens, TX) 4/28/2024

- Daniel King (requested prayer him & son, having tough time as they go through a divorce) 4/26/2024

- Alex Kilgore, Emily & Will Henry friend (broke back in wreck, 2 months remain in ophthalmology residency) 4/5/2024

- Deecia Carpenter (at MD Anderson receiving chemo for squamous cell carcinoma, will likely stay through May) 4/5/2024

- Gary Sproles (chemo for multiple myeloma on hold, started chemo for new secondary cancer in marrow) 3/29/2024

- Don Creighton’s sister (cancer in lungs and stomach) 3/25/2024

- Edwards' friend, Steve Hampton (surgery May 25th at MD Anderson for pancreatic cancer) 3/22/2024

- Chad Edwards (that he & new family would come to church when they arrive in Batesville, hopefully by May) 3/22/2024

- Sam Malloy's Father (heart attack, cancer in multiple locations, treatment pending) 1/4/2024

Other prayer needs (5/7/2024)

Edna McDonald (awaiting shoulder surgery), Matt Arnold (heart failure, leaky heart valve), Kathleen Reynolds (liver cancer), Jeri VanDiver (breast cancer), Philip VanDiver (slow-growing brain tumor, bladder cancer), Jeannie Smith (in rehab, injuries from car wreck), Paula Terrell (recovering, shoulder surgery), Brandi Haigwood (recovering, 2nd kidney transplant), Jim Humpton (prostate cancer), Elton Keeney (metastasized cancer), Ron Jenkins (ongoing, severe ulcerative colitis w/ complications), Edith Lopez (stage 2 kidney failure), Howard Thompson (lymphoma), Chad Edwards (good report from MD Anderson), Glenn Edwards (ongoing heart issues), Jake Crank (leukemia), Joseph Martin (ongoing spine & related medical issues), Rhonda McKay (serious gastrointestinal illness), Linda Furrow (lung cancer), Sarah Hanlyn (Hodgkin's Lymphoma), Bill James (pancreatic cancer), Corby Billingsley (cancer), Pat Yocum (liver cancer), Pat Smith (bone cancer), Cyndi Jackson's brother (salvation), Donna Yeager (lung cancer), Lee Roy Brewer (heart, LVAD pump), RL Carpenter, Catherine Cliff, Scarlett Vaughan and parents, Kathy Walter's son Eddie

Nursing Homes and Assisted Living (5/4/2024)

Edie Branstetter, Maxine Butler, Larry Cantrell, Rosemary Catton, Ester Dacus, Bernice Davis, Ollie Ellison, Elma Raye Hunter, Bertha Rounds, Howard Sneed, Margie Sizemore, Mary Thurman